A Bot Detector Via User Agent API

Bot, Crawler, Spider, User Agent

In order to comprehend the topic of this post, it would be very beneficial for you to know what these terms mean. 
Bots, also known as web robots or bots, are programs that automatically visit websites and do different tasks. For example, bot can generate content, verify how your website loads from different locations around the world, and interact with consumers. Bots are the creations of the artificial intelligence revolution. 
Captcha were created to prevent bots from doing these actions. Sometimes they’re useful, but they are annoying at other times. 
Crawlers, also known as spiders or bots, are software programs that search, scrape and index webpages automatically. Internet search engines use crawlers to get information, such as page titles and meta descriptions. 
Spiders are used by search engines to obtain the necessary information for the ranking of sites and their content. The information obtained is then processed by a computative platform and analyzed by algorithms that allow the positioning of a certain page or site. 
Spiders are also used by email marketing platforms to determine how many people have opened an email and how many made a purchase. They use cookies to track this information. 
On the internet, all bots have common characteristics in their HTTP headers that allow them to be identified and prevent them from obtaining information from your pages (to protect your website from being spammed).
For example, detecting if a bot is sending spam or malicious code will allow you to take action and correct your web pages (to avoid malware on your computer).  
This type of detection not only concerns web pages but also applications. It is very important to keep track of it when designing an application system because it will protect it from being spammed which could result in corrupted data or loss of productivity. 
This is why the User Agent Detector API was developed!
The User Agent Detector API (or just UA Detector API)
This API will allow you to detect any Bot, Crawler, or Spider via their User Agent. Prevent malicious behavior on your applications!

To make use of it, you must first:
1- Go to Bot Detector Via User Agent API and simply click on the button “Subscribe for free” to start using the API.
2- After signing up in Zyla API Hub, you’ll be given your personal API key. Using this one-of-a-kind combination of numbers and letters, you’ll be able to use, connect, and manage APIs!
3- Employ the different API endpoints depending on what you are looking for.
4- Once you meet your needed endpoint, make the API call by pressing the button “run” and see the results on your screen.

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